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  • Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) | Christian apologetics | New Market, Obafemi Awolowo University Ife, Ife, Nigeria

    Inicia una sesión para conectarte con miembros Sigue y observa a otros miembros, deja comentarios y más. Iniciar Sesión The Truth Sets Free FOR YOU Caleb Oladejo 2 sept 4 min. Rebanada de Infinito Prime NUESTRA PÉRDIDA, LA GANANCIA DE SATANÁS I was in a church service recently and the pastor who gave the sermon mentioned that he has told his children that ... Caleb Oladejo 2 sept 5 min. Rebanada de Infinito Prime El Argumento del Diezmo: ¿Qué dice la Biblia? El Argumento del Diezmo: ¿Qué dice la Biblia? Hola, estoy encantado de que leas este artículo. He involucrado a algunas personas que... Caleb Oladejo 29 ago 5 min. Rebanada de Infinito Prime ¿Estamos En Guerra? Desentrañando Tácticas de Guerra Espiritual In the realm of spiritual warfare, Christians are constantly engaged in a battle that transcends the physical realm... WEBSITE UPGRADE IN PROGRESS WE ARE CURRENTLY ADDING SOME FEATURES TO OUR WEBSITE. YOU MAY EXPERIENCE TEMPORARY MALFUNCTIONS, PLEASE BE CALM, ALL SYSTEM FEATURES WILL BE RESTORED LATEST 30TH SEPTEMBER 2024. ​ WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU HOLD ON WITH ANY SIGN UP PROMPTS AT THE MOMENT AS THE WEBSITE UNDER UPGRADE. Involucrar al equipo de la verdad Expresando el amor y la verdad de Jesucristo Leer más Host Let's Talk Truth Engaging the Truth Team Ministry (ETT) es una organización evangélica itinerante no denominacional que comenzó en 2020 con el objetivo principal de presentar una perspectiva imparcial de la Biblia y la defensa de Dios. El Ministerio fue fundado por Caleb Oladejo a través de la guía de Dios para expresar la verdad de Jesús mientras lo hacía con amor. Entre otros, las actividades/eventos del Ministerio incluyen la reunión Hablemos de la Verdad, la Intercesión Global, la Conferencia Evangélica ETT, la Convención Anual de Música Clásica y She Believes. A través de la ayuda del Espíritu Santo y la tecnología, el Ministerio ha podido promover el contenido del evangelio en forma de audio, videos y textos en 39 países y contando a través de nuestra radio en línea, sitio web y otras redes sociales las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Ver nuestra Galería Nuestro Alcance Los países indicados aquí se han recopilado a partir del alcance acumulado de los visitantes de nuestro sitio web y nuestros oyentes de radio en línea las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Las partes indicadas en negro son nuestro alcance. Puede hacer clic en las áreas negras para mostrar el nombre del país. HABLEMOS LA VERDAD El podcast Let's Talk Truth (LTT) es una producción de audio de ETT alojada en Anchor. El enfoque del podcast es expresar el amor y la verdad de Jesucristo mientras nos conectamos con una amplia gama de audiencias globales. Los oyentes pueden reproducir el podcast en línea, descargarlo, comentarlo y compartirlo. Definitivamente serás bendecido. ESCUCHA AQUI To Podcast Conviértase en un financiador del evangelio Apoye la Misión 01 CONFERENCIAS DEL EVANGELIO ETT 02 Hablemos de la verdad | podcasts 03 Alcanzando a los pobres 04 Apoyo Voluntario 05 Otros Proyectos de la ETT, como la Convención Anual de Música Clásica (ACMC). y mucho más dar aquí ETT Gallery GALERÍA ETT Vea una colección de fotografías de nuestros eventos Haga Clic Aquí Semanal, Todos los viernes Conviértase en un miembro en línea aquí Me gusta ETT en Facebook Dale me gusta a Caleb oladejo en Facebook Anfitrión Hablemos de la Verdad Para llegar a más personas con la profundidad de la Palabra de Dios y para que los creyentes estén más arraigados en la fe, nos complace anunciar que su organización, grupo, iglesia local o asamblea ahora puede organizar Hablemos de la Verdad. ​ Hablemos de Verdad involucra a su audiencia en una intrigante sesión de exposición que atrae a los oyentes a una perspectiva relacional de Dios a través de la enseñanza profunda de la Biblia y relacionándola con el contexto de hoy. ¿Qué significa esto? Significa que puede invitarnos a venir y celebrar una o más sesiones de la reunión Hablemos de la Verdad en su organización, grupo, iglesia local o asamblea. Nuestro Ministerio está abierto a colaborar con usted en Nigeria o en el extranjero. Para alojar Let's Talk Truth, haga clic en el botón" Reservar", para escuchar una edición de Let's Talk Truth, haga clic en el botón" Escuchar". Reserva Escuchen ETT Account Details

  • Team | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    voluntarios Empezar ahora Al ser una organización evangélica no denominacional, trabajamos con voluntarios sin límites geográficos o denominacionales. Los criterios son que nuestros voluntarios deben creer y aceptar el Señorío de Jesús en sus vidas personales, creer y aceptar la totalidad de las Escrituras desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis, y colocar la interpretación de las Escrituras guiada por el Espíritu por encima de cualquier interpretación personal. Solo aquellos apasionados por el trabajo serio deben postularse. Ver nuestro organigrama Todos nuestros programas HABLEMOS LA VERDAD (LTT) ​ Con Caleb Oladejo, Jefe de Equipo, ETT Semanal, Todos los viernes Cómo funciona Para garantizar la facilidad de organización, nuestros voluntarios se clasifican en nuestros programas. Actualmente, tenemos seis (6) programas; 1. Hablemos de la verdad(semanalmente) 2. Sesión con Dios(quincenal) 3. Intercesión mundial(mensual) 4. Publicaciones(trimestral) 5. Conferencia del Evangelio(anual) 6. Redes sociales Cuando complete el formulario de Voluntario, tendrá la oportunidad de seleccionar uno de estos programas en los que trabajará. Es importante tener en cuenta que no se puede trabajar en más de uno a la vez. Cada uno de nuestros programas está encabezado por unCoordinador de programa quien supervisa las actividades en ese programa y reporta al Director Ejecutivo. Usamos un grupo dedicado de Whatsapp y Telegram para conectarnos con todos nuestros voluntarios, por lo que el límite no es un obstáculo en absoluto. El grupo de Whatsapp y Telegram que usamos para nuestro equipo se llama ETT Upper Room, significa el lugar donde los discípulos recibieron el don del Espíritu Santo que inició la iglesia en Hechos de los Apóstoles. Sus habilidades para impulsar la productividad y el éxito del equipo Al unirse al equipo, debe venir con sus habilidades o desarrollarlas mientras trabaja con nosotros. ¿De qué habilidades estamos hablando? estratega, comunicación, atención al cliente para trabajar con nuestro seguimiento/visita en línea (OFV), edición de audio/video, diseño gráfico en Canva, manejador de redes sociales, influenciador de redes sociales para trabajar con nuestros influenciadores de medios del Evangelio (GMI), escritores de contenido , traductores de textos al francés, portugués, español y otros, cantantes y mucho más. Cualquiera que sea su habilidad, siempre que pueda promover nuestro objetivo de expresar el amor y la verdad de Cristo, puede incorporarla. Compromiso Esperamos que nuestros voluntarios sean; 1. Creyentes en Jesucristo 2. Ciudadanos responsables en su país y comunidad 3. Enseñable y fácil de corregir 4. Apasionado por alcanzar el mundo para Cristo 5. Disponible para reuniones virtuales periódicas 6. Buenos comunicadores, tanto horizontales como verticales 7. Listo para trabajar en equipo ¿Todavía no está claro? Contáctenosaquí Meet The Team Caleb Oladejo Founder and Team Lead, Engaging the Truth Team Founder and Chairman, Cadamo Investment Limited Lillian Oyeleye Chief Operating Officer (COO) Cadamo Investment Limited Convener, The She Believes (TSB) Ayomikun Oluwagbenga Executive Director Engaging theTruth Team Read More

  • Podcast | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    Podcasts de ETT HABLEMOS LA VERDAD El podcast Let's Talk Truth (LTT) es una producción de audio de ETT alojada en Anchor. El enfoque del podcast es expresar el amor y la verdad de Jesucristo mientras nos conectamos con una amplia gama de audiencias globales. Los oyentes pueden reproducir el podcast en línea, descargarlo, comentarlo y compartirlo. Definitivamente serás bendecido.

  • Know Us | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    NUESTRA LLAMADA Vimos la necesidad de presentar el evangelio de Jesucristo desde la perspectiva clara de las Escrituras mientras llevamos Su amor y verdad a algunos de los lugares donde la necesidad es más importante. El sencillo evangelio de Jesús es “Cree en el Señor Jesucristo, y serás salvo, tú y tu casa”. (Hechos 16:31). Brindar asesoramiento y apoyo en asuntos relacionados con doctrinas bíblicas, angustia emocional/psicológica, abusos y otros. Apologética con un toque También reconocemos nuestro llamado a llegar a los pobres con el amor de Jesús a través de varios esquemas que incluyen materiales, servicios gratuitos relacionados con la salud y otros. Más que solo las palabras, también estamos interesados en llegar a los huérfanos, las prisiones, los hospitales y otros lugares. Anchor 1 Conoce a nuestros Miembros Fundadores CALEB OLADEJO , Fundador y líder de equipo Fundador y Presidente, Grupo Cadamo. Amante de los negocios y de la música clásica. AYOMIKUN OLUWAGBENGA , Director ejecutivo Licenciado en Física, OAU Ile-Ife, aficionado a la fotografía de naturaleza. A cargo de la coordinación general de operaciones. AKINADE EMMANUEL , Responsable de Estrategia y Logística Nutricionista, Docente y Personal de Ventas. Estrategia y gestión de eventos Involucrar al equipo de la verdad LILLIAN OYELEYE , Convocante, Ella Cree Entrenador de alto rendimiento, fundador de Medlicos. Farmacéutico. GOODNESS OPATEYE , Coordinador de Oración Licenciado en Física, OAU Ile-Ife, Analista de Datos e Instructor de TI. DEBORAH OGUNGBEMI , Coordinador de Visitas/Seguimiento en Línea Atención al cliente en proveedores líderes de telecomunicaciones en Nigeria. ASÓCIESE CON NOSOTROS ASÓCIESE CON NOSOTROS ASÓCIESE CON NOSOTROS Para aquellos que se sienten guiados a apoyar nuestro esfuerzo del evangelio para Involucrar al Ministerio del Equipo de la Verdad, lo apreciamos sinceramente. Como organización evangélica, confiamos en la generosidad de nuestros seguidores para ayudarnos a cumplir nuestra misión. Sabemos que su primera responsabilidad es su iglesia local, pero si puede contribuir a nuestra causa, le aseguramos que su donación se utilizará para mantener y expandir la obra del evangelio. Gracias por considerar apoyar nuestro Ministerio. Dios te bendiga. (Nigeria) Envíe todas las donaciones financieras a Banco Wema 0241167724 Caleb Oladejo (Fuera de Nigeria) Utilice este enlace (acepta pagos en todo el mundo) View our Donation Packages Here NUESTRA MISIÓN 01. Para Presentar La verdad imparcial de la Biblia y la revelación de Jesucristo, al tiempo que defiende la existencia de Dios utilizando las herramientas de la apologética cristiana; historia creíble y razón. Read All 03. Para Proporcionar Para los necesitados a través de la caridad cristiana, expresando esto a través de la distribución gratuita de alimentos, el alcance gratuito de la salud y la distribución gratuita de la Biblia. Servir también como intercesor global, intercediendo por familias, amigos y naciones del mundo. Read All 02. Para Propagar El evangelio transformador de Jesucristo a las comunidades tanto en Nigeria como en el extranjero, a través de eventos del evangelio, contenido escrito, de audio y video. Read All 04. Para Preservar El valor bíblico de las mujeres y los niños, fomentando la modestia y el crecimiento espiritual intencional. Read All ETT Gospel Support Plans

  • Affiliate | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    Únase a nuestro programa de afiliados ÚNETE AHORA Cómo funciona En Engaging the Truth Team, publicamos revistas periódicas (ETT Digest) y otros libros electrónicos del evangelio que están disponibles para la venta. Estos contenidos son excelentes para el crecimiento espiritual de los creyentes y también pueden servir como una introducción a los no cristianos. La plataforma que usamos para vender estos libros electrónicos esSelar que nos permite vender a nigerianos y fuera de Nigeria. Eche un vistazo a la tienda en una vista de computadora portátil. Detalles del afiliado Affiliate Detals Como afiliado, ayuda a promocionar la tienda compartiendo su enlace único en las redes sociales. A cambio, te damos una comisión del 40% por cada producto comprado en la tienda a través de tu enlace único. Requisitos 1. Debe ser un apasionado de la venta de libros electrónicos 2. Debe tener acceso a una conexión a Internet 3. Debe tener uno o todos de; un teléfono Android, iPhone o computadora portátil 4. Debe ser cristiano; aunque esto no es un requisito previo para la venta, también consideramos a nuestros vendedores afiliados como parte de nuestro equipo general 6. Debe tener al menos una cuenta de redes sociales activa. ​ Pasos 1. Únase al grupo de Whatsapp de ETT Affiliate Marketers. Haz clic en el botón "Únete aquí" 2. Proporcione su dirección de correo electrónico tan pronto como se una; "¡Hola! Mi nombre es Damola y esta es mi dirección de correo electrónico____" 3. Siga las instrucciones que se le enviarán a su dirección de correo electrónico para completar su proceso de incorporación y configurar sus detalles de pago. Tenga en cuenta que el proceso está completamente automatizado. 4. Comience a compartir su enlace único y aumente las ventas. ​ ​ ​ ​ Cómo vender más El marketing de afiliación se trata de promocionar los productos o servicios de otra persona y obtener una comisión. Para vender más, debe aprovechar su presencia en las redes sociales y convertirse en una identidad de lo que vende, haciendo lo siguiente con frecuencia; 1. Comparte los diseños gráficos de los productos o de la tienda en tus redes sociales más pobladas 2. Únase a grupos de Facebook que sean relevantes para el producto y comparta su enlace único con una copia breve para motivar a los posibles compradores. 3. Crea mensajes de difusión en Whatsapp y envíalos a tus contactos que probablemente compren 4. Organiza webinars gratuitos donde hablarás sobre los valores de los ebooks 5. Chat uno a uno con posibles compradores 6. Infórmese más sobre las habilidades que son necesarias para convertirse en un afiliado de marketing exitoso al ver videos de YouTube sobre marketing de afiliados y leer más al respecto. Si participa en estas seis (6) cosas con frecuencia, definitivamente impulsará las ventas a su enlace de afiliado. ​ Términos y condiciones 1. Supervisamos constantemente la actividad de todos nuestros vendedores afiliados, y si notamos que un vendedor afiliado no ha estado activo durante 30 días (1 mes), dicha cuenta de afiliado con nosotros se desactivará y el enlace de afiliado será revocado. No queremos seguir sumando vendedores afiliados que no están activos. "Activo", como se usa aquí, significa que el comercializador afiliado continúa compartiendo su enlace de afiliado único. 2. Involucrar al Equipo de la Verdad no se responsabiliza de impulsar las ventas al enlace de afiliado de ningún vendedor afiliado, es responsabilidad exclusiva de los vendedores afiliados impulsar las ventas a través de su propio enlace de afiliado único. 3. Ningún vendedor afiliado es representante de Engaging the Truth Team, por lo que sus publicaciones o actividades en las redes sociales no representan los puntos de vista del Ministerio. 4. Después de que conectamos el correo electrónico de un comercializador afiliado en nuestro backend de afiliado, Selar realiza el desembolso de los pagos a los comercializadores afiliados y también se basa en la configuración realizada por el comercializador afiliado. La única participación de Engaging the Truth Team es conectar el correo electrónico del vendedor afiliado y determinar su comisión, que por ahora es del 40%. 5. Engaging the Truth Team se reserva el derecho de revisar cualquier parte de estos Términos y condiciones sin previo aviso a los comerciantes afiliados, pero hará las debidas diligencias para informar a los comerciantes afiliados después de un cambio tan significativo. ​ ​ Únete aqui Únete aqui Descargar gráficos de marketing de ETT Digest Descarga aquí

  • The She Believes | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    EL SHE SERMENTIRAS Levantando mujeres piadosas de estatura y gracia UNIRSE Ella cree como un brazo de Engaging The Truth Team (ETT) es una fuerza poderosa que tiene la misión de cambiar el mundo levantando una nueva generación de mujeres piadosas. Creemos que las mujeres tienen el poder de transformar el mundo, y estamos comprometidos a equiparlas con las herramientas y los recursos que necesitan para hacer precisamente eso. ​ Entendemos que el verdadero crecimiento espiritual proviene de algo más que asistir a las reuniones: requiere esfuerzo y dedicación intencionales. Es por eso que estamos comprometidos a brindarles a las mujeres de todo el mundo una variedad de recursos y actividades que las ayudarán a nutrir su crecimiento en el Señor. Al convertirse en parte de la comunidad She Believes, se encenderá para impactar su mundo con una influencia piadosa, independientemente de su edad. ​ She Believes está dirigida actualmente porLillian Oyeleye y las líderes femeninas en Engaging the Truth Team. Únase a la comunidad Ella cree The She Believes PRINCIPLES Biblical Standards At The She Believes, we only promote standards for females that are rooted in the Bible, not just what is in vogue. Non-Denominationalism Just as Engaging the Truth Team is non-denominational, The She Believes is also not denomination-bound, which means we welcome participants from any denomination. Personal Growth-Oriented We passionately foster participants to be intentional about their personal spiritual growth. Community Support We ensure that participants can rely on the community for advice, prayer support and counselling. The She Believes Leaders FLAMES Convener Lillian Oyeleye Executive Director, Engaging the Truth Team Ayomikun Oluwagbenga Executive Director, Prestige Editors Mercy Adebayo Coordinator, ETT Online Follow-up & Visitation Deborah Olutoun Programme Coordinator, ETT Global Intercession Lydia Abiodun What is The She Believes? The She Believes is an arm of Engaging the Truth Team that is a mentoring community designed to raise and groom women in their spiritual and personal growth. We provide a safe and supportive space where ladies can connect with like minds who are intentional about their Spiritual growth. Our mission is to raise women of stature and grace. Who can join The She Believes community? Our community is open to all women who are interested in their spiritual growth and are intentional about it. We welcome women from all walks of life and backgrounds. By women here we mean, female teens, young adults, and even adult women. How do I join The She Believes community? You can join The She Believes community through The She Believes page on the ETT Website, through our social media platforms on Facebook and instagram or through the direct links provided. What types of events and resources does The She Believes community offer? We offer a variety of activities which includes and not limited to Power Moments, Friday Reflections and The She Believes Convention. Is there a fee to join The She Believes community? No, there is no fee to join our community. However, we only allow proactive and intentional ladies in the community, passiveness and ghosting are not allowed in any way. How is The She Believes community different from other mentoring communities for ladies? The She Believes community is unique based on the various activities we plan to unleash as time goes on. Also, we are the only arm of Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) that is a community for ladies, so yes, we are unique. What can I expect to gain from being a part of The She Believes community? By becoming a part of The She Believes community, you can expect to be intentional with your spiritual growth, stay activated in the Spirit, and get challenged as you make growth a lifestyle, as well as community support. What if I live outside Nigeria, can I be a part of the community? Yes! The She Believes community is global, and we welcome women from all over the world. Our community and events are designed to be accessible virtually, so you can participate no matter where you are located. Do I have to be an online member of ETT to join The She Believes? No, you don't have to be an online member of ETT to join The She Believes. The community is accessible to you even if you are not yet an online member of ETT. However, we also encourage you to become an online member of Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) as there are immense benefits attached. Is The She Believes a ministry on its own? No, The She Believes is an arm of Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) ministry. While Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) does not have any age or gender focus, The She Believes is ladies-focused. Where is The She Believes community hosted? The community is hosted on Whatsapp, which is a social media platform accessible to many. What are the Principles of The She Believes? The principles of The She Believes include: Biblical standards Non-denominationalism Personal Growth-oriented and Community Support How can I reach out officially to The She Believes? You can reach out to us officially through our email address, which is

  • EGC | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    EGC ENGAGING THE TRUTH TEAM MINISTRY GOSPEL CONFERENCE The ETT Gospel Conference is more than just another event; it's a multi-day ignition point for people of all ages, especially young people. The event was launched in 2022 by Engaging the Truth Team Ministry (ETT) with the first of its kind in Ilobu, Osun State, Nigeria. This dynamic event offers a powerful blend of inspirational experiences; evening crusades featuring uplifting worship and transformative messages set the stage for spiritual growth. Dedicated prayer sessions and opportunities for spiritual warfare equip attendees for a deeper connection with God, while altar calls provide a space for individuals to commit their lives to Christ or deepen their existing faith. The EGC's impact extends beyond the evenings. Through community and street evangelism , the conference actively shares the Gospel message, fostering a spirit of service and empowering volunteers to become agents of positive change. THE GOSPEL WITH AN ARM OF LOVE As part of our mandate, we take an arm of love with us for each edition of the ETT Gospel Conference. Our act of love at the moment is to provide free medical care to attendees of the Conference. Our method is to use the day for those interested in free medical care, while the evenings are for the gospel crusades. We plan to scale this up to provide other reliefs like free foodstuff, clothing items, books for children in school, and even give free medication based on diagnostics. We also plan to expand our health team and partner with more medical agencies in and outside Nigeria. Your partnership can help us to achieve these and more. THIS YEAR... The train of ETT Gospel Conference takes us to Iwo Town, from 23rd - 26th July 2024. We appreciate our team for their painstaking effort as preparations are in full gear. We also appreciate our Rev. E.O Bukola, the founder of Christlove Apostolic Miracle Ministry (CLAMM), which is the ministry hosting this edition ​ One way you can be part of what God is doing at ETT Gospel Conference is to support with your money; let your money work for you in the field of evangelism, and be part of the transformative experiences at this event. You will share in every blessing! Donate to Engaging the Truth Team 7407524019 FCMB ​ Outside Nigeria Click Here Inquiries (+234) 090 6974 2199 Email Connect Volunteer at ETT Gospel Conference 2024 JOIN OUR VOLUNTEERS HERE We welcome serious minded believers who are willing to actively work with us either as resident in Iwo town or outside Iwo town. T he ETT Gospel Conference will be a hybrid event, so we welcome both believers who are physically in the location and those living outside the location. ​ Resident in Iwo Town You can work in any of the sections of the event; Awareness, Prayer, Logistics, Technical, Music, or Health . Please note that those interested in working with our health team must be either certified professionals in any heath-related field or have completed a certificate course in public health or related courses. ​ Resident outside Iwo Town You can work in the following sections of the event; Online Awareness and Prayer. ​ Please note that we want only active people who can be available. JOIN OUR VOLUNTEERS HERE

  • Youtube | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    Engaging the Truth Team Reproducir video Reproducir video 15:14 Engaging the Truth Team Ministry You will Enjoy the Reward of your Labour In this video, Christian Apologist, Caleb Oladejo prays for viewers and speaks on the idea that one does not have to wait to be big to do big things; you can impact those around you, no matter how little you think you have. God bless you as you watch Don't forget to like and share. ________________________________ We are open to your financial support. We know that your priority is to your local church, but if you feel led to support our gospel effort financially, you can do so here through these details; (Nigeria) Bank: FCMB Account Number: 7407524019 Account Name: Engaging the Truth Team (Outside-Nigeria) Please check the About of this Channel for the link Or contact us at to determine the suitable means of receiving your support. Your financial support will be used to fund our gospel outreach programs among others. Thank you and God bless you. Did you know? You can join our skilled workforce and serve God from anywhere in the world with your skills. We are constantly looking for young talents who are gospel-driven and ready to work in our publications team, broadcasting section (audio/video content creation, website backend management, online radio management), and social media content creation. We provide training on any of these sections. Please note that only those ready for serious commitment should apply. To indicate your interest, simply reach out to us on WhatsApp through this line +234 907 075 3712 or call us at (+234) 0906 974 2199. God bless you Reproducir video Reproducir video 45:20 Engaging the Truth Team Ministry Jesus and the Age of Mass Marketing (part 2) In this message, Christian Apologist Caleb Oladejo, expounds on the subtle influence of social media and society expectation on the message of Jesus and the gospel. Listen and be blessed. Don't forget to like and share. Reproducir video Reproducir video 09:13 Engaging the Truth Team Ministry Want to Have a Different September? What Can Make this a Different September? Watch, as Christian Apologist Caleb Oladejo shares God's mind and prays... Reproducir video Reproducir video 08:03 Engaging the Truth Team Ministry Amaka's Video: A Tactic to Divide and Rule Have you seen the Amaka woman on social media, calling for the extermination of Edo and Yoruba people? Watch my comment on it. Reproducir video Reproducir video 03:03 Engaging the Truth Team Ministry Walking on a Fence? In my vision, I saw as it were a thin fence and a man running on it... Mercy and peace be with you today Reproducir video Reproducir video 00:37 Engaging the Truth Team Ministry 13,369 Reach for Jesus Reproducir video Reproducir video 08:07 Engaging the Truth Team Ministry One Meal That Got Burnt In this special ministration, Christian Apologist, Caleb Oladejo, encouraged viewers to continue holding the hands of God in prayer because prayer has an effect on our lives that is beyond the physical manifestations of the answers we receive from God. He went on to encourage viewers not to allow, what he described as 'one meal that got burnt', to keep them away from trying great things life. As you watch and pray along, the Lord bless you in Jesus' name. To support our Ministry financially or in other areas, check the About of this Channel. Reproducir video Reproducir video 01:01 Engaging the Truth Team Ministry Did you try before and failed, try again... (Watch the fully video on our channel) In this special ministration, Christian Apologist, Caleb Oladejo, encouraged viewers to continue holding the hands of God in prayer because prayer has an effect on our lives that is beyond the physical manifestations of the answers we receive from God. He went on to encourage viewers not to allow, what he described as 'one meal that got burnt', to keep them away from trying great things life. As you watch and pray along, the Lord bless you in Jesus' name. To support our Ministry financially or in other areas, check the About of this Channel. Reproducir video Reproducir video 06:33 Engaging the Truth Team Ministry The Provision is Already There... Cargar más

  • Privacy Policy | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    Privacy Policy Welcome to our Privacy Policy page. We care about your personal information. Learn more on the page Engaging the Truth Team Ministry ("we," "us," or "our") respects the privacy of our website visitors ("you" or "your"). This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect from visitors to our website, , how we use it, and how we protect it. Information We Collect: We may collect the following information from visitors: Personal Information: If you choose to contact us through a form on our website, you may provide us with your name and email address. Non-Personal Information: We may collect non-personal information about your visit to our website, such as your browser type, operating system, IP address, and the pages you visit. This information is collected through cookies and other tracking technologies (explained below). How We Use Your Information: We may use the information we collect from you for the following purposes: Respond to your inquiries: We will use your contact information to respond to your questions and requests submitted through our website forms. Improve our website: We may use non-personal information to analyze how visitors use our website and to improve its content and functionality. Send you updates (optional): With your consent, we may use your email address to send you periodic updates about our ministry activities and events. You can always opt out of receiving these communications at any time. (Instructions for opting out should be included here). ​ Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect non-personal information about your visit to our website. Cookies are small data files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. They can be used to remember your preferences, track your activity on the website, and understand how visitors interact with our content. Sharing Your Information: We will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent, except in the following cases: To comply with legal requirements: We may be required to disclose your information to comply with a court order, subpoena, or other legal process. To protect our rights: We may disclose your information to protect our rights, property, or safety, or the rights, property, or safety of others. Security: We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no website is 100% secure. Children's Privacy: Content on our website are suitable for visitors of all ages, including children under 13. Changes to this Privacy Policy: We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will post any changes on this page. Contact Us: If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at +2349069742199, or (email preferred)

  • ESCA | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    ESCA THE ETT SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS The Engaging the Truth Team Ministry School of Christian Apologetics, ESCA, online program is an educational institution launched in 2023. The goal of ESCA falls under the Ministry’s first mission, which is to Present the unbiased truth of the Bible and the revelation of Jesus Christ while defending the existence of God using the tools of Christian apologetics; credible history, and reason. ESCA aims to raise believers with convictions , who will be equipped to engage in this presentation of the unbiased truth of the Bible. WHO CAN ENROLL IN ESCA? 1. Young adults: ESCA provides a platform to explore your Christian faith and engage with challenging questions in a safe and supportive environment. ​ 2. Individuals facing spiritual doubts: Our courses equip you with tools and resources to strengthen your Christian faith and address your doubts head-on. ​ 3. Those interested in ministry or Christian leadership: ESCA can provide a strong foundation in apologetics and Christian Leadership to prepare you for service. ​ 4. Lifelong learners: Never stop exploring! ESCA offers a variety of engaging courses to keep your mind sharp and your faith vibrant." Enroll Now FAQs Explore our frequently asked questions through this table of contents. Click on any category to easily navigate there. ; ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ General: What is ESCA Online Program? ESCA (ETT School of Christian Apologetics) online learning program is a platform providing comprehensive courses and resources to equip Christians with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to defend their faith in today's world. Who can enroll in ESCA? ESCA welcomes anyone who desires to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith, sharpen their apologetic skills, and confidently engage in meaningful conversations about the Christian faith. Is the ESCA Online Program really fully online? Yes, the online program version of ESCA offers a fully online program with a platform that allows students to track their progress and also live classes, both accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Is there any financial commitment required? We understand that affordability is crucial. ESCA requires a minimal school support fee of N500 (Five Hundred Naira) or $1. We consider this amount very affordable to anyone interested in the platform. Program & Curriculum: ​​ ​ What are the Certificate Programs available in ESCA? ESCA provides a range of 3 Certificate Programs, the Lamplighter Certificate Program, the Defenders Certificate Program, and the Veritas Scholar Certificate Program, similar to a Bachelor's degree, Master's Degree, and PhD, respectively. ​ 1. LAMPLIGHTER CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (LCP) Main Courses i. Foundational Christianity (FCC 101) - Explore the nature of truth, faith, and reason. Get an introduction to key apologetic arguments and defenses of Christianity. ii. History of Christianity (HCC 102): Dive into the rich history of the development of Christianity as you explore the great men and women whose lives and works have served as a foundation for our very faith today. iii. Conviction - Reasoning with Reasons (CHP 101): This course is an introduction to how to effectively reason and the field of Christian philosophy. Elective iv. Introduction to Project Management in the Church (PMC 101): This course blends practical project management skills with the unique context of church ministry, providing ESCA students with the tools to run successful initiatives while upholding Christian values 2. DEFENDERS CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (DCP) Main Courses i. Conviction - Mastering how to Answer (CHA 201): Learn the skills of Christian apologetics that equip you to provide Biblical answers to anyone who questions you. ii. Philosophical Apologetics (PAC 200): Dive deep into philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God, free will, and other core Christian beliefs. iii. Bible Translations & Versions (BTC 203): Explore some of the different available translations of the Bible today, which one stands out and why. Elective iv. Scientific Apologetics - (SAC 204): Engage with specific scientific challenges to Christianity, exploring areas like origins, bioethics, and the fine-tuning universe. v. Cultural Engagement - (CEC 205): Develop practical skills for engaging with diverse cultural perspectives and offering Christian responses to contemporary issues. Project - Apologetic Presentation or Paper: Design and deliver a persuasive presentation or write a paper defending a specific Christian belief, applying the learned skills throughout the program. 3. VERITAS SCHOLAR CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (VSCP) Research Seminar i. In-depth Research Choose a focused area of apologetic research (e.g., philosophical arguments for God, apologetics and artificial intelligence, Christian responses to secularism). Conduct in-depth research, analyze relevant literature, and develop a thesis statement. Advanced Elective ii. In-Depth to Paul's Writings (IPW 300): This course introduces learners to an analytical study of the writings of the foremost Christian apologist, the Apostle Paul. iii. Theological Apologetics (TAC 302): Engage with theological responses to contemporary challenges and critiques of Christianity, examining the work of prominent theologians. Masterclass Sessions: Interactive sessions with renowned Christian apologists (or ministers of God) on cutting-edge apologetic issues or specific areas of expertise (e.g., science and faith dialogue, engaging with atheism, apologetics in the digital age). ​ Can anyone enroll in any of the programs? The Lamplighter Certificate Program (LCP) is open to anyone. However, applicants who want to enroll in either the Defenders Certificate Program (DCP) or the Veritas Scholar Certificate Program (VSCP) must have at least one of these; 1. Completed a Philosophy course in any institution of learning, or 2. Completed our Lamplighter Certificate Program (LCP) at ESCA, or 3. Completed any seminary course in any verifiable seminary or theology school. Applicants who do not meet any of these criteria will be advised to enroll first in our Lamplighter Certificate Program. The reason for this is to ensure they have a foundation before proceeding to the Defenders Certificate Program or the Veritas Scholar Certificate Program (VSCP). ​ ​​ How are the online classes conducted? Students will have access to the class notes, which they can download and read offline. This will enable students to move at their own pace. The platform also allows students to track their progress easily. Apart from this, lecturers will have frequent live online classes with their students on Telegram. The reason for Telegram is to ensure that the live video sessions are recorded and accessible to students who may miss the live sessions. Do I need any prior knowledge or experience? ESCA welcomes students from all backgrounds to its Lamplighter Certificate Program (LCP), but the Defenders Certificate Program (DCP) and the Veritas Scholar Certificate Program (VSCP) require prior knowledge, as stated above. What is the duration of the programs? All ESCA programs currently run between February - June of every month; 5 months. Students who have enrolled in any of the certificate programs are expected to complete their learning within the period. Support & Community: ​ Does ESCA provide any support outside of the curriculum? Yes, we offer dedicated academic and spiritual support through one-on-one faculty consultations, mentoring, and online discussion forums. Students will also have constant access to the Enrollment Officer who will also serve as the School's Students Adviser. Can I connect with other students enrolled in ESCA? Absolutely! We foster a vibrant online community through WhatsApp and Telegram, social events, and prayer meetings, allowing you to connect with fellow learners, share experiences, and build lasting friendships. Outcomes & Impact: ​ What are the benefits of completing an ESCA program? ESCA equips you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to: Defend your faith with clarity and grace. Engage in meaningful dialogue with people of diverse perspectives. Apply your faith to everyday life and decision-making. Become a powerful witness for Christ in your community and beyond. How can ESCA help me achieve my personal and spiritual goals? Our program promotes intellectual and spiritual growth, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and your Christian faith. We support you in articulating your personal convictions and contributing positively to the world around you. How will the graduation be conducted? The graduation ceremony for each academic year will be celebrated at the Ministry's Annual Classical Music Convention (ACMC) which comes physically, every November. The venue will be duly communicated to students. ​ Enrollment & Additional Information: ​ How do I enroll in ESCA? ​ You can easily enroll in any of our certificate programs by following these steps; 1. Fill out the ESCA Application Form . This allows us to have your details like email, and phone number. 2. Join the ESCA Announcement group on WhatsApp : After you fill out the application form, you will see the link to join the Announcement group on WhatsApp, where we will easily pass information and you can also easily reach out to us from there. 3. Proceed to Make Payment: We will review your application, after which we will send an email for you to proceed to make payment. We may also communicate this through WhatsApp. 4. Register for your Courses: Those who have made payment will receive an email from us with the procedure for them to register for the courses under their program . Here are our payment Methods 1. Pay by Card - Pay by debit/credit card 2. Direct bank transfer - Transfer directly to our bank account, send proof of payment to the Enrollment Coordinator, Is there someone I can reach out to for more information? Yes, our dedicated Enrollment Coordinator is available either on WhatsApp or via a phone call. Here are her details; Name: Deborah Phone: +234 814 583 9822 Support & Community Outcomes & Impact Enrollmet & Addiionl Information General Program & Curriculum Support & Community Outcomes & Impact Enrollment & Additional Information General Progam & Curriculum Enroll Now Phone Deborah : +234 814 583 9822 Also available on WhatApp Email ESCA DIGITAL SKILLS FOR CHURCH WORK 19-21 September 2024 Virtual Before you proceed to the form, please read Engaging the Truth Team Ministry School of Christian Apologetics (ESCA) is pleased to announce the maiden edition of its Digital Skills for Church Work . The workshop is under ESCA's Church Building Course (CBC) and it is held annually. About Us Engaging the Truth Team Ministry (ETT) is a non-denominational itinerant gospel organization that started in 2020 with the primary objective of presenting an unbiased perspective of the Bible and defence of God. The Ministry was founded by Caleb Oladejo through the leading of God to express the truth of Jesus while doing it in love. Among others, the Ministry's activities/events include Friday Gospel Meetings, ETT Gospel Conference, Annual Classical Music Convention, and The She Believes. Through the help of the Holy Spirit and technology, we have been able to promote gospel content in the form of audio, videos, and texts in more than 70 countries and counting through our 24/7 online radio, multi-lingual website, and other social media. About the Digital Skills for Church Work The Digital Skills for Church Work is aimed at equipping church workers and leaders with the necessary skills to help spread the gospel more. We understand that just one church or gospel organization cannot reach the whole world alone and that no matter what number a gospel organization has reached, there are still many more out there that are unreached. This maiden edition will be a 3-day virtual workshop, from 19th - 21st September, to be hosted primarily on Telegram aimed at covering the following areas; 1. Graphic Design (Canva Pro) 2. No-Code Website Design 3. Audio/Video Editing 4. Mobile Photography/Editing 5. Online Radio Register Here

  • Membership | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    AFILIACIÓN Todo lo que necesita saber sobre la membresía en línea de ETT Lo que significa para nosotros Desde que ETT comenzó oficialmente en 2021, hemos conseguido cerca de 400 fans solo en Facebook y Whatsapp. Sin embargo, queremospara orientar a nuestros fans globales hacia una experiencia más atractiva con nuestros programas por lo que vimos la necesidad de diferenciaraficionados (que son simpatizantes o aquellos a quienes les gustamos) demiembros (quienes serán participantes y seguidores comprometidos). Sí, no descuidaremos a nuestros fanáticos, pero les daremos más atención a nuestros miembros. lo que significa para ti Como Miembro en Línea de ETT, tendrá; 1.Acceso más cercano a nuestros programas a través de nuestro canal oficial de Telegram. Usamos Telegram porque permite una participación global masiva a través de reuniones de voz y video usando muy poca conexión a Internet (datos). 2.Conciencia Activa como ahora es un miembro en línea, puede pensar en ETT para participar en nuestros programas y proyectos. Debes estar orgulloso de ti mismo para identificarte con la Verdad. Programas ETT Rellene el formulario aquí Membership Form Conviértase en un miembro en línea Únase a otros en todo el mundo Nombre de pila Apellido Correo electrónico Country Número de teléfono de Telegram (si es diferente de Whatsapp) Telegrama número de teléfono Después de hacer clic en "Unirse" espere unos segundos para ser redirigido. Gracias Quiero suscribirme a la newsletter de Slice of Infinity Unirse Explora los programas de ETT HABLEMOS LA VERDAD (LTT) ​ Con Caleb Oladejo, Jefe de Equipo, ETT Semanal, Todos los viernes

  • International News | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    Welcome to ETT News Be Informed As believers, we must be informed to pray aright. Caleb Oladejo Global Development Africa Middle East At ETT News Webpage, we believe that staying informed is crucial to understanding God's plan for our world. Our news page provides up-to-date information on current events and news in a way that aligns with our Gospel values. As believers, it's our responsibility to be well-informed about the state of the world as it relates to God's timeline as contained in the Bible. Join us in staying informed and prayerfully interceding for our world. Please note that the news contained on this page is adapted from an independent international news agency, The Guardian, and as such may contain items that are not totally gospel-oriented. To read the full news under any of the headlines, simply click on it and you will be redirected to the full story. Global Development News Africa Middle East

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