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The Amazing Personalities of Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Writer: Caleb OladejoCaleb Oladejo

Let me share a few thoughts about Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

When engaging in radical spiritual warfare prayers, it's important to understand the distinct roles of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are both expressions of God's power, but they manifest it in different ways.

The personality of Jesus is all the power of God wrapped in abundant mercy. Jesus is the embodiment of mercy—mercy personified.

On the other hand, the personality of the Holy Spirit is raw power —swift and sometimes even dangerous⚡. The Holy Spirit can destroy a sinner because of their wickedness, while Jesus would extend mercy to the sinner, regardless of their wrongdoings.


Learning about Jesus and the Holy Spirit (Continued)

When you read the acts of Jesus in the Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—you don't come across any instance where Jesus killed anyone. Even those who spat on Him were forgiven, as He prayed, "Father, forgive them..." (Luke 23:34).

However, when you read the Acts of the Apostles (which I like to call the "Acts of the Holy Spirit"), there’s a stark difference. For example, when Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit in the presence of the Apostle Peter, they were struck dead immediately (Acts 5:1-10).

A sin against Jesus can be forgiven, but a sin against the Holy Spirit has no forgiveness (Matthew 12:31-32).


Why am I sharing this?

Because it's important to understand what you’re asking for when you engage in spiritual warfare.

For example, if a witch is oppressing someone and you say, “Lord Jesus, please step into this matter,” Jesus won’t kill the witch, despite their wickedness. He may answer your prayer by transforming the witch into an evangelist and cleansing their wickedness with His precious blood.

But, if your expectation is for the wickedness to be punished, then you might ask the Holy Spirit to intervene. While the Holy Spirit still shows mercy, His display of power is more direct and forceful.

When Jesus came to the world, the angel proclaimed: “He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). But when Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit, He said: “Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you” (Acts 1:8).

The primary mission of Jesus is to use God’s power to save people from sin; you don’t ask Jesus to kill a witch for you.

On the other hand, the primary work of the Holy Spirit is to manifest the raw, dynamic power of God. The Holy Spirit is power personified.


Understanding Spiritual Authority

There are many people who don’t understand why they can offend a child of God, yet no immediate consequence seems to follow. It may be because that child of God allows the ministry of Jesus to dominate, holding back the raw display of power through the Holy Spirit.

For example, if you offended Elijah, fire could come down and consume you immediately (2 Kings 1:10). However, you could spit on Jesus, and He would still embrace you in love.

Nevertheless, a time is coming when Jesus will unleash all of God’s judgment without reservation. His current patience is overwhelming, but He will bring judgment in due time. He could have called ten thousand angels to defend His majesty on earth, but instead, He waits for you and me. But rest assured, at His second coming, those angels will accompany Him.


Is Jesus More Gentle than the Holy Spirit?

Some might think that Jesus is gentler than the Holy Spirit, but that's not entirely true.

Jesus is Mercy personified—but when Mercy becomes angry, who can appease the wrath of Mercy? That is exactly what will happen at the White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). The Lamb will become the Lion.

I leave you with this: embrace the mercy and peace of God today.

Caleb Oladejo


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