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  • New Members Welcome 2 | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    Bienvenido a la Familia Global ETT Me complace darle la bienvenida como uno de nuestros miembros en línea. Mi nombre es Caleb Oladejo y soy el fundador y líder del equipo de Engaging the Truth Team. Por la gracia de Dios, seguiremos comprometidos con el mandato de enriquecerlos con la verdad de Jesucristo. Seleccione su país para unirse a nuestra comunidad Si su país aún no está en la lista aquí, no se preocupe, veremos su país desde el formulario de membresía y lo agregaremos a la comunidad.

  • 2024 Budget | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    2024 Budget Give Now Our Appreciation Since 2020, we have held a total of five (5) gospel events, including our Gospel Conferences at Ilobu Town and Ede Town with free health outreaches, and three editions of the Annual Classical Music Convention (ACMC) in 2021, 2022, and 2023. We appreciate all those who allowed God to use them in supporting our gospel work; members of our workforce, relatives, well-wishers, and anonymous donors. Because of you, gospel content from this Ministry has reached a total of 45 countries, our online radio is up 24/7, our website is up and running and we are breaking new grounds for our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you. The Call At Engaging the Truth Team Ministry, our passion is spreading the gospel and bringing people into a closer relationship with God. We rely on the generous support of our members and partners like you to continue our work and make a meaningful impact. Check out our projects below to learn more about our mission and how you can get involved. OUR 2024 BUDGET 2, 300, 000 NGN ($1,552) Establishing our Location at Ile-Ife We have identified a building along Ibadan Road Ile-Ife, a 15 mins walk from OAU Campus Gate. Our plan is for the building to serve as both a place of meeting for our Let's Talk Truth meetings and also offices for our gospel team. 400, 000 NGN ($270) Our Gospel Conference at Iwo, Osun State This year, we will be taking our community evangelism and free health outreach to Iwo Town, Osun State Nigeria. Preparations are already underway to collaborate with CAN. This event usually involves a lot of moving part, including transportation and accommodation for our team, feeding, and others 700, 000 NGN ($473) Our Friday Meetings (physical) Toward the end of 2023, we started our Let's Talk Truth meeting physically on OAU Campus, which is part of our gospel outreach. At the time of this writing, we had started the event for this year, pending the time we get our location along Ibadan road ready. 100, 000 NGN ($68) Annual Classical Music Convention (ACMC) 2024 This year, we are trusting God to make ACMC bigger and better with our target venue as OAU Amphi Theatre and a target audience size of at least 1, 000 physically and 2, 000 online attendees. 641, 000 NGN ($433) Others - ETT School of Christian Apologetics - The She Believes Convention - Charity - Improving our technical channels (website and online radio) - Team Support 459, 000 NGN ($310) SOME OF OUR BREAKDOWN ​ We have provided a breakdown of some of our budget here because we also welcome material donations. If you want to donate any of the materials listed below, you can contact us with our details at the end of this page; ​ Establishing our Location in Ile-Ife Payment for rent Renovation (re-painting, electricity, etc.) Auditorium gadgets ( 40 plastic chairs, podium, mini-sound system) Office gadgets ( office chairs/ tables, computer sets, internet, etc.) ​ Our Gospel Conference at Iwo, Osun State Nigeria (5 days) Publicity Transportation and feeding of our team Venue payment Sound system (for the 5 days) Health Outreach Bible distribution ​ Annual Classical Music Convention (2 days) Publicity Accommodation for our team Venue payment (Amphi Theatre, OAU Ile-Ife) Sound system (for the 2 days) Media and live-stream ​ ​ We are targeting 30th April 2024 to achieve this fundraising Our Payment Methods (Nigeria) FCMB 0241167724 Caleb Oladejo Explore our Support Plans Click Here Contact us Phone: (+234) 0906 974 2199 (+234) 07056553640 ​ Email:

  • Global Intercession | EngagingtheTruthTeam

    Welcome to ETT GLOBAL INTERCESSION Where we pray the prayers of Jesus | Mercy Hour Send your Prayer Card Global Intercession is a monthly program of Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) that was convened by the Holy Spirit with the mandate of interceding for our families, friends, and nations of the world. We believe that, apart from preaching the gospel, another height of our Christian love is to pray for the salvation, healing, and peace of families and communities around us and far abroad. Since May 2022, we have gathered believers from different parts, both physically and online, to engage in this ministry of intercession, which we call "the prayers of Jesus." ​ This Month - April 2024 ​ Nations-in-focus: Nigeria, Egypt, and Kenya ​ ​ Nigeria ​ ​ ​ ​ Continent: Africa Population (2023 est.): 230 Million Main religion: Islam (51.5%) Status in terms of evangelism: Emerging People cluster: Sub-Saharan Africa Current environmental crisis: Deforestation, Water Scarcity, and Oil Pollution ​ ​ ​ Egypt ​ ​ ​ ​ Continent: Africa Population: 102 Million Main Religion: Islam People Cluster: Middle Eastern Current Environmental Crisis: Land degradation, water scarcity, pollution ​ ​ ​ ​ Kenya ​ ​ Continent: Africa Population: 55.1 Million Main Religion: Christianity (Pentecostal) People Cluster: Sub-Saharan African Current Environmental Crisis: Deforestation, water scarcity, pollution Send your Prayer Card You can use this short form to send your prayers to the nations-in-focus this month and also send us your prayer requests ETT Global Intercession Prayer Card First name Last name Email Country I join Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) to send my prayers to the nations-in-focus for this month. Your personal prayer request Send Thank you for sending your prayer card for this month. Your response has been recorded and we are praying for you. Intercesión Global Hora de la Misericordia Mensual, último viernes de cada mes Attend Online (oN tELEGRAM) ​ 5 pm WAT Click Here

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