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Writer: Caleb OladejoCaleb Oladejo

In the pursuit of faith, we seek guidance and mentorship. We yearn for voices that resonate with Scripture, whispers of truth amidst life's cacophony. But in this fertile ground of earnest seeking, lurks a hidden danger – the specter of manipulation, of wolves disguised as shepherds.

Can a person speak so boldly about something, yet have a different end-goal? Can someone blend so well among a set of people for so long, eat everything, learn everything, speak like them, in fact act like them, yet have a secret plot?

It is common practice in the central information agency of any government in the world to have undercover agents. Imagine an undercover operative, infiltrated deep within a terrorist ring. He speaks their language, adopts their mannerisms, even shares their disdain for the "outside world." But beneath the outward acts, his every breath burns with unwavering loyalty to his true cause. He plays the enemy, yes, but only to dismantle them brick by brick, thread by thread. His sacrifice – the constant dance with deception – serves a higher purpose, the ultimate dismantling of their nefarious web.

The same is true of many today; while they publicly call the name of Jesus, they are in fact undercover agents, serving the agenda of Satan. They may do works similar to that of Jesus, smile like Jesus, give like Jesus, even perform miracles, the whole charade is aimed at the evil agenda of the kingdom they serve - Satan's.

Amidst this necessary deception, a crucial distinction shines like a beacon in the gloom: the agent never becomes the enemy. He may walk their path, speak their tongue, but his heart holds true to the cause he swore to defend. The difference lies in the agenda, the driving force behind each action.

So too, with those who walk among us, claiming the mantle of Christian leadership. We must discern, with eyes not of flesh but of the Spirit, their true purpose. Are they instruments of God, their actions aligned with His teachings of love, compassion, and service? Or do they harbor hidden agendas, fueled by motives veiled in pious pronouncements?

Remember the words of the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:14: "For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light." The enemy masquerades, mimicking truth to ensnare the unsuspecting. He twists Scripture, weaponizes faith, and exploits devotion to further his own dark designs.

A man looking back - Canva photo

Let us not be swayed by mere charismatic pronouncements or empty promises. Let us seek the evidence of true fruit, the tangible manifestations of Christ's message in the lives of those we seek to reverence. Do their actions demonstrate love for neighbor, humility of spirit, and unwavering trust in God? Or do they point their congregation to themselves as a second "Messiah"? Do they exalt themselves above the written word of God? Do they replace, remove and subvert the word of God, claiming to know more than the Holy Spirit?

For in the end, the ends cannot justify the means. No noble purpose, however seemingly righteous, can excuse actions that contradict the very essence of our faith.

Therefore, let us pray. Pray for discernment, for the wisdom to pierce through the veils of deception. Pray for the courage to resist manipulation, to choose mentors who embody the true path of Christ. And pray, with unwavering faith, that God may expose every secret evil agenda, casting His light upon the wolves dressed in sheep's clothing.

Let me list markers to easily identify when a so-called "man of God" is serving Satan's agenda;

  1. They will exalt themselves to the place of Jesus, recommending themselves as the way of salvation.

  2. They will use "fear" as their control-tool, not love, like Jesus did.

  3. They will be susceptible to money.

  4. They will twist the Bible, as far as asserting that they know more than those who God used to compile His written word.

  5. Instead of pointing people to God, they will point people to themselves. It's all about them.

As John MacArthur poignantly reminds us, "A good end does not justify evil means. When God works, He works from the good heart to the good fruit. He doesn't begin with rottenness and hope to end up with sweetness."

How do you recognize a true man of God, serving God's kingdom agenda?

  1. They will spend a lot of time in the closet interceding for their audience.

  2. They will always depend on the workings of God's Holy Spirit.

  3. They will quickly return all appreciation to God, not themselves.

  4. Those close to them will marvel at the grace of God upon their lives.

  5. They will not hide their human frailty, but when they are wrong, they will own it and apologize.

Yes, a person can be proclaiming the name of Jesus for years, yet serving an agenda of Satan. A person can even start with a true calling of God, and later in their life change to working for Satan.

Like I encouraged a small group of young people today, it is important for you to know the Bible for yourself. The written word of God is not in some secret code that only a set of people can understand; when you open its pages and truly ask for the illumination of the Holy Spirit, then He will guide you to all truth. It is not enough just to depend on what a minister of God has said or has not said, you can open the Bible for yourself and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Even if your pastor is an "Apostle Paul" or a "Silas", you can still check from the Bible to see if the things taught are consistent with the Bible, like the Berean Christians in Acts 17:10-12.

As always, I plead with you to walk with God in an I-You relationship. God bless you

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