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Writer: Caleb OladejoCaleb Oladejo

‘Tega is getting worse by the day. I can’t believe he literally shut his dad up last night and walked out. I mean who does that?’ Rachael lamented as she did her laundry that Saturday morning.

Her next-door neighbor, Mrs. Abiola, who was airing her own laundry, just within conversing distance, hissed and replied.

‘That your nephew is just trouble! Plain and simple! And in my opinion, his parents do not discipline him enough. If they find the right set of people to handle that tout ehn? His head will reset, sharp sharp.’

‘You mean discipline in the sense of spanking and the like?’ Rachael asked, her brows furrowing.

‘Yes, that and many more.’ Mrs. Abiola replied. ‘That boy is almost an adult!’ ‘But he’s still someone’s child!’ ‘I don’t think that will help. I think he’s just going to get more provoked. What if he runs away from home?’ Rachael asked, wondering aloud. ‘Then he will come back home when he suffers like no man’s business.’ Mrs. Abiola retorted. ‘No, no! I think that’s too risky. This is not the 90’s Mrs. Abiola. These kids have a lot of pride and if that boy gets provoked into running away from home, things will only go from bad to worse.’ Rachael answered decidedly. ‘So, what do you suggest?’ Mrs. Abiola asked. Rachael simply sighed as she continued her laundry. ‘I believe that boy needs Jesus.’ Both Rachael and Mrs. Abiola turned in surprise towards the calm voice that replied. It was Grandma, the old lady who lived in the third flat in the compound.

‘Jesus?!’ Both ladies asked incredulously. ‘What about the Jesus he has been hearing about both at home and in church all his life?’ Rachael asked.

‘I wonder o.’ Mrs. Abiola replied. ‘This isn’t about simply discussing Jesus or going to church. I mean, somebody needs to seat that young man down and give him a proper and exclusive introduction to the Savior. Show him the Way, the Truth and the Life.’ Rachael abandoned her laundry and turned her full attention on Grandma. Grandma went on.

‘I don’t agree with you that Tega is a tout, Mrs. Abiola. Rather I think he is troubled and nobody is reasoning with him. He has questions, he needs someone to understand him and operate at his frequency.’ Mrs. Abiola folded her arms and listened intently as Grandam continued.

‘He’s developing a mind of his own and you should not expect him to take instructions and directives, hook, line, and sinker anymore. He’s rebelling because he refuses to be bossed around and wants independence, which is the most basic characteristic of boys his age. ‘And Rachael, you’re right.’ Grandma said looking directly at her. ‘Me? About what ma?’ ‘About the fact he could run away from home if provoked more and that would help nothing. Trust me, I speak from experience.’ ‘Wow!’ Rachael exclaimed just about the same time Mrs. Abiola said, ‘O ga ooo (This is serious).’ ‘You know what?’ Grandma asked. ‘What ma?’ Rachael answered just about the same time Mrs. Abiola did. ‘Can you cajole Tega into paying me a visit sometime this weekend? I think he would enjoy coming around.’ ‘Ha! Even if it means using money as an incentive, I will make sure he comes oo.’ Rachael replied and all three women burst into laughter. Fiction ************************ Those around you think you’re troublesome. Some of them even call you NFA (No Future Ambition). Some have tagged you hopeless and irredeemable, and you’ve quit trying to get someone in your corner to understand you.

Let me tell you this! Jesus understands you and He is in your corner, always. Unlike what you might have heard over the years that might have colored your opinion of who God is, He is not just the big deity up there who belts out commands and destroys those who default. He is in fact very loving, the most loving and He understands you more than you understand yourself. He also has all the answers you want and need. All He needs is your attention. He says: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man hears me and opens, I’ll come in and fellowship with him." (Revelation 3:20) Open your heart to Him, He has a lot to say to you. He wants to help you and bring out the best version of you. Talk to Him right there where you are and invite Him into your heart. Tell Him you need His help and invite Him to take over your heart. Repent from the wrongs you know you’ve done and give Him your word that by His help you’re ready to turn a new leaf. Then you can enjoy the best relationship of your life and you start the new and life-making chapter.

Come on, why not just make the decision now.

Written by Joy Adewumi

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