You see, in this life, for every fake, there is an original that was copied! And oftentimes than not, depending on the use of the object under discussion, the fake is not only substandard but also harmful.
Now, let me shock you! Do you know that life itself comes either as original or fake?!
No, you didn’t know? Ha! So how sure are you that the one you have is original?
My dad says if you don’t recognize the original, you can’t be sure what you have isn’t fake!
The word of God in John 10:10 says:
"The thief (the devil) comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (Jesus) am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly."
The devil can promise you life, but it’s only a lie from his residence- the pit of hell! He might promise you lying prosperity and success but he plans to take more than you can afford in return.
So, if the source of whatever you think you are enjoying today is not from God, and you think you’re living ‘the life’, and like my Yoruba folks would say, ‘you’re enjoying the life of your head’; I put it to you today that you’ve only played into the three-plan agenda of the devil as shown in that Bible verse.
You might be breathing but you’re not living! You might be surviving, but you’re not thriving! You have a fake life!
True life comes from God and is obtained at the point when you hand over your life to Christ.
The popular Bible verse John 3:16 says:
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE!"
This means, though you have breath in your nostrils, that life is not the real deal. The real deal is the one you get when you believe in the Lord Jesus and accept His love and offer of life!
It is abundant life. It is life everlasting- stretching beyond the confines of this terrestrial ball called earth. It is a life that no one can take from you because the One who gave it to you is above all else!
Now, there is icing on this cake! With this life you get from God, comes all the good things of life as much as you can request and exercise faith to receive. And what’s more?! They are lasting! They are original and they will give you peace of mind!
Today, the door of Mercy is open wide and if you as much as determine in your heart that you want the Lord Jesus, alongside all He can give you, in your heart, Mercy (the Lord Jesus Himself) will come running to you.
Talk to Jesus now, as simply as you would talk to the person sitting next to you and tell Him:
‘Here I am, Lord! I surrender my all to you. Forgive my past wrongs and come take your rightful place in my heart.’
And He will hear!