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Being a non-denominational itinerant gospel organization, we work with volunteers without geographical or denominational boundaries. The criteria are that our team members must believe and accept the Lordship of Jesus in their personal lives, believe and accept the totality of Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, and place the Spirit-guided interpretation of Scriptures above any personal interpretation. Only those who are passionate about serious work should apply.

View our Organogram


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All our Programmes

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With Caleb Oladejo, Team Leader, ETT

How it Works

To ensure ease of organisation, our team members are classified under our programmes. Currently, we have six (7) programmes;

1. Let's Talk Truth (weekly)
2. Session with God (fortnightly)
3. Global Intercession (monthly) 
4. Publications (quarterly)
5. Gospel Conference (annual)
6. The She Believes (ETT Female Arm)
7. Social Media

When you fill out the Team Interview form, you will have a chance to select one of these programmes where you will work. It is important to note that you cannot work in more than one at a time. Each of our programmes is headed by a Programme Coordinator who oversees the activities in that programme and reports to the Executive Director, except The She Believes which is slightly different. We use a dedicated Whatsapp and Telegram group to connect with our team, so boundary is not a hindrance at all. The Whatsapp and Telegram group that we use for our team is called ETT Upper Room, signifying the place where the disciples received the gift of the Holy Ghost which started the church in Acts of the Apostles.

Your Skills to Drive Productivity and Team Success
As you join the team, you must come with your skill(s) or develop them as you work with us. What skills are we talking about; strategist, communication, customer support to work with our Online Follow-up/Visitation (OFV), audio/video editing, graphic design, social media management, social media influence to work with our Gospel Media Influencers (GMIs), content writing, text translation into French, Portugees, Spanish, and others, singers, and lots more. Whatever your skill is, as long as it can promote our aim of expressing Christ's love and truth, you can bring it on board.

We expect members of our team to be;

1. Believers in Jesus Christ
2. Responsible citizens in their country & community
3. Teachable and easy to be corrected
4. Passionate about reaching the world for Christ
5. Available for periodic virtual meetings
6. Good communicators, both horizontal and vertical
7. Ready to work in the team

8. Skilled

Let's talk about our Team Onboarding Process

Stage 1 - General Welcome - Whatsapp Group

At this stage, all interested applicants are welcomed in a Whatsapp group. This group is used to communicate with the participants throughout the Onboarding Process.

Stage 2 - ETT Orientation Course (EOC) - Google Classroom

All the participants on the Whatsapp group are provided with the link to the Ministry's Orientation Course. The EOC has been designed to provide new applicants with the basic knowledge they need to be effective in their operations with us. The course includes short notes, questions, and a final examination to test your knowledge. Applicants who score below 70% in the Orientation Course will be removed from the Whatsapp group.

Stage 3 - Interview Form (Final)- Cognito Form

At this final stage, personnel who make it to 70% marks in the Orientation Course will be provided with access to our Interview Form after which they will be welcomed to the Ministry in a grand style.

Please note, we have created this system to filter out those who are not ready for serious work. As a Ministry, we value communication, so at any point in time that you need clarification or would not be able to perform a task, you should communicate with us through the Whatsapp group.


Most of our operations are currently done remotely, which enables you to work from wherever you are.

I wish you a successful application

Lillian Oyeleye

Chief Operating Officer

Cadamo Investment Limited

Meet The Team


Caleb Oladejo

Founder and Team Lead, Engaging the Truth Team

Founder and Chairman,

Cadamo Investment Limited


Lillian Oyeleye

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Cadamo Investment Limited
Convener, The She Believes (TSB)


Ayomikun Oluwagbenga

Executive Director

Engaging theTruth Team

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