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The Engaging the Truth Team Ministry School of Christian Apologetics, ESCA, online program is an educational institution launched in 2023. The goal of ESCA falls under the Ministry’s first mission, which is to Present the unbiased truth of the Bible and the revelation of Jesus Christ while defending the existence of God using the tools of Christian apologetics; credible history, and reason. ESCA aims to raise believers with convictions, who will be equipped to engage in this presentation of the unbiased truth of the Bible.

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1. Young adults: ESCA provides a platform to explore your Christian faith and engage with challenging questions in a safe and supportive environment.

2. Individuals facing spiritual doubts: Our courses equip you with tools and resources to strengthen your Christian faith and address your doubts head-on.

3. Those interested in ministry or Christian leadership: ESCA can provide a strong foundation in apologetics and Christian Leadership to prepare you for service.

4. Lifelong learners: Never stop exploring! ESCA offers a variety of engaging courses to keep your mind sharp and your faith vibrant."


Explore our frequently asked questions through this table of contents. Click on any category to easily navigate there. ;


  • What is ESCA Online Program?

    • ESCA (ETT School of Christian Apologetics) online learning program is a  platform providing comprehensive courses and resources to equip Christians with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to defend their faith in today's world.

  • Who can enroll in ESCA?

    • ESCA welcomes anyone who desires to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith, sharpen their apologetic skills, and confidently engage in meaningful conversations about the Christian faith.

  • Is the ESCA Online Program really fully online?

    • Yes, the online program version of ESCA offers a fully online program with a platform that allows students to track their progress and also live classes, both accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Is there any financial commitment required?

    • We understand that affordability is crucial. ESCA requires a minimal school support fee of N500 (Five Hundred Naira) or $1. We consider this amount very affordable to anyone interested in the platform.


Program & Curriculum:

  • What are the Certificate Programs available in ESCA?

    • ESCA provides a range of 3 Certificate Programs, the Lamplighter Certificate Program, the Defenders Certificate Program, and the Veritas Scholar Certificate Program, similar to a Bachelor's degree, Master's Degree, and PhD, respectively.


Main Courses
i. Foundational Christianity (FCC 101)
- Explore the nature of truth, faith, and reason. Get an introduction to key apologetic arguments and defenses of Christianity.
ii. History of Christianity (HCC 102): Dive into the rich history of the development of Christianity as you explore the great men and women whose lives and works have served as a foundation for our very faith today.
iii. Conviction - Reasoning with Reasons (CHP 101): This course is an introduction to how to effectively reason and the field of Christian philosophy.

iv. Introduction to Project Management in the Church (PMC 101): This course blends practical project management skills with the unique context of church ministry, providing ESCA students with the tools to run successful initiatives while upholding Christian values


Main Courses
i. Conviction - Mastering how to Answer (CHA 201):
Learn the skills of Christian apologetics that equip you to provide Biblical answers to anyone who questions you. 
ii. Philosophical Apologetics (PAC 200): Dive deep into philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God, free will, and other core Christian beliefs.
iii. Bible Translations & Versions (BTC 203): Explore some of the different available translations of the Bible today, which one stands out and why.

iv. Scientific Apologetics - (SAC 204):
Engage with specific scientific challenges to Christianity, exploring areas like origins, bioethics, and the fine-tuning universe.
v. Cultural Engagement - (CEC 205): Develop practical skills for engaging with diverse cultural perspectives and offering Christian responses to contemporary issues.

Project - Apologetic Presentation or Paper: Design and deliver a persuasive presentation or write a paper defending a specific Christian belief, applying the learned skills throughout the program.



Research Seminar
i. In-depth Research

Choose a focused area of apologetic research (e.g., philosophical arguments for God, apologetics and artificial intelligence, Christian responses to secularism). Conduct in-depth research, analyze relevant literature, and develop a thesis statement.

Advanced Elective
ii. In-Depth to Paul's Writings (IPW 300):
This course introduces learners to an analytical study of the writings of the foremost Christian apologist, the Apostle Paul.
iii. Theological Apologetics (TAC 302): Engage with theological responses to contemporary challenges and critiques of Christianity, examining the work of prominent theologians.

Masterclass Sessions:
Interactive sessions with renowned Christian apologists (or ministers of God) on cutting-edge apologetic issues or specific areas of expertise (e.g., science and faith dialogue, engaging with atheism, apologetics in the digital age).

  • Can anyone enroll in any of the programs?

    • The Lamplighter Certificate Program (LCP) is open to anyone. However, applicants who want to enroll in either the Defenders Certificate Program (DCP) or the Veritas Scholar Certificate Program (VSCP) must have at least one of these;

1. Completed a Philosophy course in any institution of learning, or

2. Completed our Lamplighter Certificate Program (LCP) at ESCA, or

3. Completed any seminary course in any verifiable seminary or theology school.


Applicants who do not meet any of these criteria will be advised to enroll first in our Lamplighter Certificate Program. The reason for this is to ensure they have a foundation before proceeding to the Defenders Certificate Program or the Veritas Scholar Certificate Program (VSCP).


  • How are the online classes conducted?

    • Students will have access to the class notes, which they can download and read offline. This will enable students to move at their own pace. The platform also allows students to track their progress easily.  Apart from this, lecturers will have frequent live online classes with their students on Telegram. The reason for Telegram is to ensure that the live video sessions are recorded and accessible to students who may miss the live sessions. 

  • Do I need any prior knowledge or experience?

    • ESCA welcomes students from all backgrounds to its Lamplighter Certificate Program (LCP), but the Defenders Certificate Program (DCP) and the Veritas Scholar Certificate Program (VSCP) require prior knowledge, as stated above. 

  • What is the duration of the programs?
    All ESCA programs currently run between February - June of every month; 5 months. Students who have enrolled in any of the certificate programs are expected to complete their learning within the period.


Support & Community:

  • Does ESCA provide any support outside of the curriculum?

    • Yes, we offer dedicated academic and spiritual support through one-on-one faculty consultations, mentoring, and online discussion forums. Students will also have constant access to the Enrollment Officer who will also serve as the School's Students Adviser.

  • Can I connect with other students enrolled in ESCA?

    • Absolutely! We foster a vibrant online community through WhatsApp and Telegram, social events, and prayer meetings, allowing you to connect with fellow learners, share experiences, and build lasting friendships.


Outcomes & Impact:

  • What are the benefits of completing an ESCA program?

    • ESCA equips you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to:

      • Defend your faith with clarity and grace.

      • Engage in meaningful dialogue with people of diverse perspectives.

      • Apply your faith to everyday life and decision-making.

      • Become a powerful witness for Christ in your community and beyond.

  • How can ESCA help me achieve my personal and spiritual goals?

    • Our program promotes intellectual and spiritual growth, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and your Christian faith. We support you in articulating your personal convictions and contributing positively to the world around you.

  • How will the graduation be conducted?
    The graduation ceremony for each academic year will be celebrated at the Ministry's Annual Classical Music Convention (ACMC) which comes physically, every November. The venue will be duly communicated to students.

Enrollment & Additional Information:

  • How do I enroll in ESCA?

    • You can easily enroll in any of our certificate programs by following these steps;
      1. Fill out the ESCA Application Form. This allows us to have your details like email, and phone number.
      2. Join the ESCA Announcement group on WhatsApp: After you fill out the application form, you will see the link to join the Announcement group on WhatsApp, where we will easily pass information and you can also easily reach out to us from there.
      3. Proceed to Make Payment: We will review your application, after which we will send an email for you to proceed to make payment. We may also communicate this through WhatsApp.
      4. Register for your Courses: Those who have made payment will receive an email from us with the procedure for them to register for the courses under their program.

    • Here are our payment Methods

      1. Pay by Card
      - Pay by debit/credit card 
      2. Direct bank transfer - Transfer directly to our bank account, send proof of payment to the Enrollment Coordinator, 

  • Is there someone I can reach out to for more information?

    • Yes, our dedicated Enrollment Coordinator is available either on WhatsApp or via a phone call. Here are her details;
      Name: Deborah
      Phone: +234 814 583 9822

Support & Community
Outcomes & Impact
Enrollmet & Addiionl Information
Progam & Curriculum


Deborah : +234 814 583 9822

Also available on WhatApp


Male Student



19-21 September 2024


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Engaging the Truth Team Ministry School of Christian Apologetics (ESCA) is pleased to announce the maiden edition of its Digital Skills for Church Work. The workshop is under ESCA's Church Building Course (CBC) and it is held annually.

About Us
Engaging the Truth Team Ministry (ETT) is a non-denominational itinerant gospel organization that started in 2020 with the primary objective of presenting an unbiased perspective of the Bible and defence of God. The Ministry was founded by Caleb Oladejo through the leading of God to express the truth of Jesus while doing it in love. Among others, the Ministry's activities/events include Friday Gospel Meetings, ETT Gospel Conference, Annual Classical Music Convention, and The She Believes. Through the help of the Holy Spirit and technology, we have been able to promote gospel content in the form of audio, videos, and texts in more than 70 countries and counting through our 24/7 online radio, multi-lingual website, and other social media.

About the Digital Skills for Church Work
The Digital Skills for Church Work is aimed at equipping church workers and leaders with the necessary skills to help spread the gospel more. We understand that just one church or gospel organization cannot reach the whole world alone and that no matter what number a gospel organization has reached, there are still many more out there that are unreached.

This maiden edition will be a 3-day virtual workshop, from 19th - 21st September, to be hosted primarily on Telegram aimed at covering the following areas;

1. Graphic Design (Canva Pro)
2. No-Code Website Design
3. Audio/Video Editing
4. Mobile Photography/Editing
5. Online Radio

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