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Welcome to ETT News

Be Informed

As believers, we must be informed to pray aright. Caleb Oladejo

At ETT News Webpage, we believe that staying informed is crucial to understanding God's plan for our world. Our news page provides up-to-date information on current events and news in a way that aligns with our Gospel values. As believers, it's our responsibility to be well-informed about the state of the world as it relates to God's timeline as contained in the Bible. Join us in staying informed and prayerfully interceding for our world. Please note that the news contained on this page is adapted from an independent international news agency, The Guardian, and as such may contain items that are not totally gospel-oriented. To read the full news under any of the headlines, simply click on it and you will be redirected to the full story.

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Global Development News

Marrakesh Market


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Middle East

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Nous savons que votre première responsabilité est votre église locale, mais si vous vous sentez amené à soutenir nos efforts évangéliques pour engager l'Équipe Vérité, nous l'apprécions et Dieu aussi.
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