The Situation
We live in a world of vast uncertainties, where we are almost constantly disappointed. And sometimes, what makes the disappointment most painful is when it comes from God. When we are faced with situations in our life that are bigger than our effort and we seek the help of God in prayers, our expectation is to see Him running to our help, after all that means there is a caring God, One we can relate to in love.
However, when this expectation is not met we feel very disappointed. In this bit, many have charged God and even resolved that He does not really care; that God just has us all here to please His dictatorial will all the time.
Does God really care? They ask. Where was God when all these happened to me? I cried, I prayed, I fasted, I did all I was told to do, but God did not show up and look where I am, they say. I don’t think I can trust God anymore, I don’t think it’s worth it at all? If God really exists let Him solve this problem now, if not, I resolve that Christianity is just fake and noise.
A child prays for her sick mother and the mother still dies. A teenager is forced into prostitution due to poverty and lack. A father becomes embarrassed because he could not pay the school fees of his children, after trying hard. An entrepreneur fails repeatedly and out of frustration, commits suicide. Where is God in all these, does He really care? To be continued
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