Who Moved My Cheese?
In the last two episodes of this series, we have discussed the situation and agreed to diffuse our anger. Like in any detective case, we look to find answers, and one of the questions we want to find an answer to is “Who caused this?” Determining the answer to this question might very well help us to find the right enemy.
Someone asked a young man this question “Why would a loving God send anyone to hell?” and the response is quite fascinating. “God does not actually send anyone to hell, rather everyone was already on their way to hell and God offered a way out, a salvation”, replied the young man. He continued “Like a sinking boat; sailors come around to offer a hand and save those in danger, but the choice to accept their help is not up to the sailors but to those who need the rescue.” If any of those in danger is lost to the sea, and someone asks “Why did the sailors kill them?” We all know that the sailors didn’t cause the shipwreck, they, in fact, came to save those in danger.
In the same way, our world is already broken, broken as a result of man-made systems for selfish reasons. We were all born into this broken system; a world where there is pain and disappointments, and cheats, and problems. It is not God who caused these problems, instead, He is the One providing the Solution. Whenever you find darkness, understand that it is a result of an absence of light. The light didn’t cause the darkness, rather it is removing the light that in fact caused the darkness. So instead of fighting with the light and blaming it for what it did not cause, just bring in the light and the darkness will dissipate. It is written, the Light shines and the darkness cannot comprehend it (John 1:5)
“Dear God, while I do not fully understand yet this situation in my life at the moment, I open my life to your Light. Shine and let all darkness be removed.” Amen
… To be continued
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