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Where we pray the prayers of Jesus | Mercy Hour

Global Intercession is a monthly program of Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) that was convened by the Holy Spirit with the mandate of interceding for our families, friends, and nations of the world. We believe that, apart from preaching the gospel, another height of our Christian love is to pray for the salvation, healing, and peace of families and communities around us and far abroad. Since May 2022, we have gathered believers from different parts, both physically and online, to engage in this ministry of intercession, which we call "the prayers of Jesus."

This Month - April 2024

Nations-in-focus: Nigeria, Egypt, and Kenya


  • Continent: Africa

  • Population (2023 est.): 230 Million

  • Main religion: Islam (51.5%)

  • Status in terms of evangelism: Emerging

  • People cluster: Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Current environmental crisis: Deforestation, Water Scarcity, and Oil Pollution 


  • Continent: Africa

  • Population: 102 Million

  • Main Religion: Islam

  • People Cluster: Middle Eastern

  • Current Environmental Crisis: Land degradation, water scarcity, pollution


  • Continent: Africa 

  • Population: 55.1 Million

  • Main Religion: Christianity (Pentecostal)

  • People Cluster: Sub-Saharan African

  • Current Environmental Crisis: Deforestation, water scarcity, pollution

Camel and Pyramids
Traditional Fashion

Send your Prayer Card

You can use this short form to send your prayers to the nations-in-focus this month and also send us your prayer requests

ETT Global Intercession Prayer Card

Thank you for sending your prayer card for this month. Your response has been recorded and we are praying for you.


Intercessão Global

Hora da Misericórdia

Attend Online (oN tELEGRAM)

5 pm WAT 

Obrigado por se inscrever! Você será notificado sempre que publicarmos um novo post. ETT se importa!

Sabemos que sua primeira responsabilidade é a sua igreja local, mas se você se sentir guiado a apoiar nosso esforço evangelístico no Engaging the Truth Team, nós agradecemos e Deus também.

Envie todas as doações financeiras paraBanco Wema 0241993958 Caleb Oladejoor FCMB 7407524019 Envolvendo a Equipe da Verdade

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© 2023 por Engaging the Truth Team, criado

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