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Criando mulheres piedosas de estatura e graça

Ela acreditacomo um braço do Engaging The Truth Team (ETT) é uma força poderosa que tem a missão de mudar o mundo levantando uma nova geração de mulheres piedosas. Acreditamos que as mulheres têm o poder de transformar o mundo – e estamos empenhados em equipá-las com as ferramentas e recursos de que precisam para fazer exatamente isso.

Entendemos que o verdadeiro crescimento espiritual vem de mais do que apenas assistir às reuniões - requer esforço e dedicação intencionais. É por isso que estamos empenhados em fornecer às mulheres em todo o mundo uma variedade de recursos e atividades que as ajudarão a nutrir seu crescimento no Senhor. Ao se tornar parte da comunidade She Believes, você será incendiado para impactar seu mundo com influência divina, independentemente da sua idade.

O Ela Acredita é atualmente dirigido porLillian Oyeleye e as líderes femininas do Engaging the Truth Team. 

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The She Believes


Biblical Standards

At The She Believes, we only promote standards for females that are rooted in the Bible, not just what is in vogue.


 Just as Engaging the Truth Team is non-denominational, The She Believes is also not denomination-bound, which means we welcome participants from any denomination.

Personal Growth-Oriented

We passionately foster participants to be intentional about their personal spiritual growth.

Community Support

We ensure that participants can rely on the community for advice, prayer support and counselling.

The She Believes Leaders


  • What is The She Believes?
    The She Believes is an arm of Engaging the Truth Team that is a mentoring community designed to raise and groom women in their spiritual and personal growth. We provide a safe and supportive space where ladies can connect with like minds who are intentional about their Spiritual growth. Our mission is to raise women of stature and grace.
  • Who can join The She Believes community?
    Our community is open to all women who are interested in their spiritual growth and are intentional about it. We welcome women from all walks of life and backgrounds. By women here we mean, female teens, young adults, and even adult women.
  • How do I join The She Believes community?
    You can join The She Believes community through The She Believes page on the ETT Website, through our social media platforms on Facebook and instagram or through the direct links provided.
  • What types of events and resources does The She Believes community offer?
    We offer a variety of activities which includes and not limited to Power Moments, Friday Reflections and The She Believes Convention.
  • Is there a fee to join The She Believes community?
    No, there is no fee to join our community. However, we only allow proactive and intentional ladies in the community, passiveness and ghosting are not allowed in any way.
  • How is The She Believes community different from other mentoring communities for ladies?
    The She Believes community is unique based on the various activities we plan to unleash as time goes on. Also, we are the only arm of Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) that is a community for ladies, so yes, we are unique.
  • What can I expect to gain from being a part of The She Believes community?
    By becoming a part of The She Believes community, you can expect to be intentional with your spiritual growth, stay activated in the Spirit, and get challenged as you make growth a lifestyle, as well as community support.
  • What if I live outside Nigeria, can I be a part of the community?
    Yes! The She Believes community is global, and we welcome women from all over the world. Our community and events are designed to be accessible virtually, so you can participate no matter where you are located.
  • Do I have to be an online member of ETT to join The She Believes?
    No, you don't have to be an online member of ETT to join The She Believes. The community is accessible to you even if you are not yet an online member of ETT. However, we also encourage you to become an online member of Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) as there are immense benefits attached.
  • Is The She Believes a ministry on its own?
    No, The She Believes is an arm of Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) ministry. While Engaging the Truth Team (ETT) does not have any age or gender focus, The She Believes is ladies-focused.
  • Where is The She Believes community hosted?
    The community is hosted on Whatsapp, which is a social media platform accessible to many.
  • What are the Principles of The She Believes?
    The principles of The She Believes include: Biblical standards Non-denominationalism Personal Growth-oriented and Community Support
  • How can I reach out officially to The She Believes?
    You can reach out to us officially through our email address, which is

Obrigado por se inscrever! Você será notificado sempre que publicarmos um novo post. ETT se importa!

Sabemos que sua primeira responsabilidade é a sua igreja local, mas se você se sentir guiado a apoiar nosso esforço evangelístico no Engaging the Truth Team, nós agradecemos e Deus também.

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