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This page explains how the Draft to Publishing service works.


Business Meeting
We understand how hard you have worked to come up with your book content and we want to help you get the word out there as you make a profit alongside. We have come up with this service called Draft to Publishing where we get your book manuscript, do all the work for you, and set it up for publishing in no time at all. This is a list of the services we will do for you;
1. Editing including proofreading, line editing, rephrasing, and formatting
2. Book Cover Design including both front and back cover
3. Sales Banner Design we will design two (2) sales banners that you can use to tell the world about your new book
4. Mock-ups we will send you two (2) mock-ups to make your book-feel attractive
5. Amazon publishing format we will help you convert your new ebook to (.kpf) which is the most suitable format for Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
Apart from these 5 services, we will also place your book in our Prestige Reader online store which is another way for you to earn. The unique link we will give you will help you earn a 60% re-current commission on all ebooks on our Prestige Reader online store. What could be more right? Let's go!

Don't get scared already, we've got you covered. This service comes at a very discounted price because we don't want money to be a problem.
1. Editing - N50 per page (Further discount on a book manuscript of 100 pages and above)
2. Book Cover Design, Sales Banner Design, Mock-ups, and Conversion to Amazon Publishing Format (.kpf) - N1, 500

Example: A 30-page book manuscript will get all 5 services at only N3, 000 initial cost. Plus 60% re-current commission as passive income from our Prestige Online Store
I know what you want to say; this can't be! Of course, it can! You've got everything to gain here. Read our Terms and Conditions here

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(+234) 07081897830, (+234) 07056553640

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