These are the exact same words I keep telling myself whenever I’m about opening a book __be it a novel, article, magazine. You name it. But is it? I’ll leave you to be the judge of that.
These of course I’m sure is boring: The few minutes; approximately less than ten minutes to opening a book is one which would make even Kevin Hart jokes look like a piece of shit. Yeah! That’s my special way of saying boring. Everyone experiences that sense of ‘Do I really have to open this book now?’ each time things are going south__ I mean when our daily routine of video games on mobile phone and laptops, unlimited Netflix subscription is in short ‘tamed’ by Nigerias’ power supply… Things funnily enough goes back to our first love, the very one which was there during our deepest thoughts and darkest nights... for some, it’s a novel. Many a people tune in to something easier. SLEEP!
Starting a new hobby or task from scratch can be daunting and overwhelming as a person… I can imagine myself trying to keep up with 100 pushups daily out of nowhere when I was eighteen. Long story cut short, I quit! Not because I was lazy, neither was it because I didn’t love the abs and enlarged biceps and triceps that came with it. It was solely because of my consistency along the way. Pushup isn’t rocket science! It’s way hectic when you’re going professional. I think.
So how on earth is reading different? You want to pick up a book, something you’ve not done since forever and you expect things not to be like a roller coaster? Hell no! It has to be a habit, a frequent not necessarily daily routine you must keep. The environment you also reside determines a lot… everyone wants to keep up with that TV show, that weekend final football match. How many wants to join you reading or at least give you a book! Yeah, that’s right, few.
Make reading a P2P with your pals, with time; it would be anything less than boring. It might seem tasking at first but you should always remember… ‘A hand that drops a good book never remains the same’. You are on a tour to world class.